A grand unveiling, or MY NEW LOGO!

I’m so thrilled to unveil my new logo and website and all of these amazing illustrations my designer created. Before I go any further, and even though I know you might be compelled to leave my website to go check out this link, (but don’t do that yet!), I want you to know who my genius logo designer is: Hilde Franzsen of Wednesday + October.

Okay, but back to my new logo! I knew I wanted an otter and probably a book, and I knew purple would be part of the color palette. Other than that, I didn’t know what the logo should look like, and Hilde didn’t ask. Instead, she had me fill out a questionnaire about myself and my business and how I want my business to be viewed by clients. I also created a mood board on Pinterest. We did three rounds of sketches, refining the otter and the fonts (Hilde hand drew the logo fonts) and the color palette each round. I felt like this process helped me know myself and my business better. Hilde developed logo ideas and other illustrated elements that I didn’t even realize I wanted until she showed them to me. I hope I can create that same sense of feeling understood for my own clients!

So why an otter, you ask? Why not, I answer. 

Truly, I just think they’re fun animals. I also love that they hold hands while they sleep so they don’t drift apart and that got me to thinking about otters reading a book together and how cute that would be as a logo. Obviously that’s not what we chose in the end, but that’s the nature of creative work. You iterate, you revise, and revise, and revise…and then you decide it’s good enough to be shared.

The butterfly, I admit, was entirely Hilde’s idea. One of the images I used in the mood board had a butterfly and somehow from that one image she intuited that the other animal I would choose as a mascot is the butterfly. I wish I could say that it was about showing my clients how they can experience a metamorphosis as writers, but I was not so clever. Still, it’s a nice symbol, isn’t it?

I hope you like Beatrix Otter and her romp of literary friends as much as I do. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think. If you’re in need of editorial services, you can also get in touch via my contact form.


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